For soMe reason in
My draft box was this
EMpty space
With M as the title. It Must have been the beginning of
SoMething? And how Might it be connected to the forest?
Maybe, probably, it doesn't at all -
Other than that soMetimes things just happen
For all sorts of randoM reasons
just like Meandering a forest path
Brings unexpected Marvels.
Roe bucks barking Madly because I crossed their path
Not once, but twice as I raMbled on paths
With few other huMans.
Woodpecker's haMmering reverberating until a bright red
Flashes and the bird has Moved on, irritated with the
HuMan observer.
Mushrooms popping up
In a Myriad of colours, sizes and
SoMe to be eaten, others to be avoided and
there are those to be adMired.
But as I write these M inspired lines
I think of the Mosquitoes
and the high pitched Monotonous
The Make.
SoMetimes loud like a